Construct This: A Contractor's Blog

Construct This: A Contractor's Blog

Should You Roof Your Patio Just Like The Home's Roof?

by Joyce Rivera

As Americans spend more time enjoying their own home and backyard, they are investing more in a better quality outdoor entertainment experience. The patio is a central part of this for many. Should your patio be upgraded with a roof extension from your home? The answer may be yes. Here's what it brings to the table and how to choose the best roof. 

Why Extend Your House Roof?

Many people use a simple or even temporary patio roofing style. But extending your home's attractive roof with the same shingle or tile materials has many benefits. 

It makes the patio look and feel more like an extension of the house and its rooms. This better integrates the entire indoor and outdoor spaces. The high-quality and permanent protection offered by a proper roof also adds years of life to it and what it protects below. 

Both of these factors boost the value of the home. And they mean more visual privacy and sound pollution protection, especially if you live in an urban neighborhood. 

Does It Have to Connect?

Extending your roof over a patio is done in two ways. The most seamless is to make the new roof fully attached to the existing house roof. A solid transition means no water leaking through the gap and less surface area to maintain.

However, don't worry if you can't make it all one solid feature due to home design or space considerations. You may also create a detached roof that accomplishes nearly all the same objectives. When well-designed, this will look nearly as harmonious.

Which Shape of Roof Is Best? 

Once you decide to extend the look and feel of the house's roof, the question will be which shape of roof you should install over the patio itself. 

The simplest structure is usually the shed roof. It's a single sloping roof that angles from your house roof's eaves to the desired length on the open side of the patio. Rain, snow, and ice can slide off easily. However, those in more temperate areas may opt for a flat variation instead. 

If you want to be fancier, consider a hip roof with four sides and a peak in the center. Hip roofs allow more space underneath and are very stable against many elements. A gable roof is similar, but it features just two slopes that meet in the middle. 

Where Can You Start?

Would your entire exterior space look better and be more functional with the same roof as the house? Find out by meeting with a roofing contractor in your local area today. 


About Me

Construct This: A Contractor's Blog

When you want something built, who do you turn to? Okay, maybe you answered that question with a particular person's name, and that's an acceptable answer. But the answer we were really looking for was "construction contractors." This profession is full of people who can build this and that, and who can customize the things they build to meet your unique needs. Working with a construction team is like working with a bunch of people who just want to make you happy. We love that aspect of the industry, and it's something we plan on focusing on more as we write this blog.